Happy Teachers’ Day!
Teachers, who are they? They are people who pass down wisdom, people who pass down knowledge from their own view to ours, in anticipation for our understanding. People who are willing to sacrifice their time for students no matter the consequence. If they do all these things for students, what do we do for them?

Teachers, who are they? They are people who pass down wisdom, people who pass down knowledge from their own view to ours, in anticipation for our understanding. People who are willing to sacrifice their time for students no matter the consequence. If they do all these things for students, what do we do for them?

Why won't we celebrate them? why won't we appreciate them? when they go through sleepless nights building up notes for students. When they receive constant criticism, even for our own mistakes. When pain is inflicted on them When students are being rude, and when they spend days and weeks without not having time for their children. After all these, why do they still teach?

A lot of negative, and less positive comments are still made by students. Why the negative?

Why do students say things like "this teacher doesn't know how to teach", "this teacher smells". Why not "thank you for what you do for us"? Why not "This teacher is amazing"? Why always the negative and not positive comments?

To all the teachers Happy Teachers' Day!